G General

The Interceptor - Personal Spacecraft

The Interceptor - Personal Spacecraft

The Interceptor from Cald Stine Creations looks incredible and quite honestly, is just a lot of fun. It is a fully functional vehicle able to fly you and a passenger around SL. You will find the Interceptor quite easy to maneuver. The view angle is "Third person" which puts your camera just outside the ship, making it easy to see where you are going.

The texture detail is impressive on this spaceship. Upon starting the engines up, the cockpit lights up. The engines turn a bright blue and rotors begin to spin. Upon shutting down, all goes quiet and still.

Landing Pad Included!


1. Sit (buckle-up) to board the Interceptor
2. Say start in local chat to fire up the engines
3. Use arrow keys and Page up/down to maneuver
4. Say stop in local chat to shut engines down and stop flight

This build is mod/copy so if you happen to lose your craft over someone else's private land, you will always have a rezzable copy and will not have to wait for auto-return.

Note: The scripts are non-mod, but the build itself is modifyable.