Full perm little mesh shop, comes with AO and UV maps as well as SL texture faces. Item footprint is 6.0 x 6.0 and only 13 prim LI.
Attention has been taken to make SL texturing as easy as possible but you will still need to play around with the texture offsets.
This item is 13 prim LI linked mesh, unlinking will result in higher LI.
The item(s) can be textured using SL texture faces however using the UV/AO maps will give better results.
By buying this item, you agree to the store policy and purchase the legal right to use this product to make your own creations within Second Life.
You may sell or give away but only as part of your NON-FULLPERM creations. They must not be full perm or copy/transfer permission.
You may not transfer any of my products [sculpt maps or mesh] to any other virtual world, website, or other medium outside of Second Life.
I used it for a coffee shop brilliant size is great loved it ao maps are great to use to enjoyed using it just nice and low prim :-)
Perfect mesh quality
polycount and Li 5 stars
LOD 4 stars
UV and materials 2 stars
Price 5 stars
Nice work smiles