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The Lothlórien Pavilion Version 1.1

The Lothlórien Pavilion
The Lothlórien Pavilion
0 Reviews

-=Proudly brought to you by TM Designs=-
--- ©2010-2015 Tanelorn Manor Designs ---

* Configurable rustic clock with chimes;
* Charming leaf candles with on/off/auto light settings;
* Touch on/off realistic falling petals;
* Uses "Rez Faux" rezzing system for reliability;
* Original and unique design;
* Great for dancing, socialising or just relaxing;
* Elven influenced build;
* 20m x 20m footprint;


Thank you for your interest in The Lothlórien Pavilion!

We have designed The Lothlórien Pavilion with high fantasy in mind. You will see it has strong influences from mystic Elven lore as well as more traditional Celtic links. It features checker board floor with polished granite columns supporting the moss coloured roof adorned with ancient and symbolic Triquetra, or Celtic knots. The rear wall also features the Triquetra design in the form of a topiary.


You don't need to read this entire note card to enjoy your Lothlórien Pavilion! - simply read the "QUICK START" and dive right in. Play with the menus! It's pretty hard to break so don't be afraid to try different things. If you need any help at all feel free to contact us and we'll happily assist!


Contents of Box:
Clicking The Lothlórien Pavilion box will create a new a folder, and contents, named "The Lothlorien Pavilion (boxed)" in your inventory. In this folder you will have:
- "The Lothlórien Pavilion Rez Box";
- "!! IMPORTANT INFORMATION - PLEASE READ !!" note card (these instructions);
- "About Tanelorn Manor Designs" note card;
- A Landmark to TM Designs main store;

- Drop the Lothlórien Pavilion Rez Box to the ground
- Select 'Build' from the Rez Box menu
- Position your Pavilion by moving the Rez Box
- Select '*DONE*' from the Rez Box menu
- Done!


If you wish to delete your Pavilion at any time please note it comes in three sections:
1/ the main pavilion, 2/ phantom flowers section, and 3/ the pavilion clock.



Left click the clock to bring up the menu and set:
time zone (default is London GMT);
daylight savings preference - DLST on/off (default is On);
chimes - chime on the 1/4, 1/2 and full hour, chime set (default is Westminster Deep) and volume;
clock Access -"Owner", "Group" or "All" ("All" is not recommended - default is "Owner");
seconds - hides or shows the second hand;
*NB: if you want to include your own specific location to the time zones list, add it in the "timezones.cfg" note card inside the clock.

Left click the center rear topiary panel to access the main pavilion menu. From here you can control:

Settings are "CandlesOn" (lit), "CandlesOff" (extinguished) and "CandlesAuto" (automatically comes on when dark and off
during daylight - based on the SIM sun position). Default is "Auto".

This controls who has access to the menu. Settings are "Owner" (you only!), "Group" (the owner and group members)
and "Public" (everyone - not generally recommended). Default is "Owner".

Controls whether the falling pink petals are on or off ("PetalsOn" and "PetalsOff"). Default is "On".


If you have any questions about 'The Lothlórien Pavilion' please contact Muroc Scorfield or Hollywood Topaz via IM or note card. You can also leave a message on the message phone in the main store. Join our Subscriber mailing list to receive news of our latest releases, special offers and FREE gifts (joining won't impact your Groups).


***Come and see this item in world at our Main Store rez area***

See item in Second Life
  • Configurable rustic clock with chimes;
  • Charming leaf candles with on/off/auto light settings;
  • Touch on/off realistic falling petals;
  • 48 prims/LI - footprint 20m x 20m;
  • Uses Rez Faux rezzing system for reliability;

L$ 298

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Tanelorn Manor Designs
Tanelorn Manor Designs
Sold by: Muroc Scorfield

Land Required

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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Land Impact: 48