Looking for a place that will suit those uneven, undulating land plots you find at the beach? This place is deep posts on the deck that will allow the sea to lap underneath without washing you away in your sleep.
If you're like me, you love to just sit out on your patio and watch the surf lap the shore for hours. This place has a huge patio that is perfect for setting up your furniture or maybe a BBQ while you soak up the sun.
We've also added floor to ceiling windows so if the weather outside is looking a little cold and grey, you can still enjoy your view from the comfort of your sofa
Our Jasper Prefab Seaside Cottage is only:
-Scripted Doors
-Sculpted Windows
-Dark wood trim on windows and doors
-Deep Red concrete walls
-Rustic red rock pillars on exterior
-Dark hardwood deck, weather treated
-Copy/Modify so you can customize it any way you wish
Why is this place so cheap you ask?
Well, I've been in Second Life for 4+ years and am tired of seeing overpriced builds. I like simple, clean place that are not ridiculously gigantic and impossible to fill up with your furniture.
I know you'll enjoy it
(*includes just the building, not the trees or land)
If you ever have failed deliveries on the MarketPlace (It happens sometimes and I know it can be annoying) all my items can be purchased in world as well
- Floor To Ceiling Sculpted Windows
- Large Deck
- Deep Set Posts Suitable For Uneven Land
- Sculpted And Scripted Doors