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The White Hisicus full permission by EatAndDrink

The White Hisicus full permission by EatAndDrink

The White Hisicus full permission by EatAndDrink

The hibiscus and the vase are 1 prim each.
You can drag any other plant texture onto it, if you prefer e.g. roses. The texture settings shall hold that and looke nicely.

To my usual items I want to add some decoration items. Food is half that fun and joy, if your table does not look well prepared with low prim table decoration.

Full permission is the animation included. It is a "eat with spoon" animation. Use the script included to add the animation. Or pass the file over to your guest to let the animation play by himself without script.

My target is to provide food and drink for decoration and for giving away.
For this reason I aim at giving you at least one piece of every set as full permission (if possible).

Lindens change animation scripts from time to time.
For this reason I explain and collect full permission scripts for you. You will be able to choose between premade animations or your own. Scripts will help you with both. And there is a giver script included as well.

You are free to add them to your food as you like.

Good Hunger!
"Eat and Drink"

  • Eat / Food and Drink for decoration and give away
  • mostly one item of the series full permssion
  • for decoration, party, events and resell
  • full permission animation scripts included for free
  • use the groceries for rezzing or for building

L$ 29

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Eat And Drink
Eat And Drink
Sold by: EatAndDrink

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  • User Licensed
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Land Impact: 0