G Général

The Blue Victorian Townhouse(163LI, 14x25)

The Blue Victorian Townhouse(163LI, 14x25)

The Yellow Victorian is part of my Victorian Townhouse Series. It has a base of 14x25 and a land impact of 210.

Without the plants, the house is 187 land impact. The plants are 23 land impact and I have linked them separately from the house so that you can delete them if you don't want them.

This house has a garage with entrance to the kitchen, bathroom and backyard.

The living and dining is on the upper floor and there is also a bathroom and a closed room which can be turned into a bedroom or private study.

The uppermost floor has 2 bedrooms, a bathroom and an open area.

This house is copy and mod. Before you modify, please make a copy, just in case you loose the original. Scripts are no mod.

When you rez the rezzer box, please be in edit mode so that you can move the house up and down till you get the correct height and also to positioned the house. Then click finalize. You can now delete the rezzer box. You can now edit the house.

Please see the demo of this house at the Simple Things Mainstore if you are unsure.

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A great build is timeless
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 6/7/2021 de Damiana Babcock

Mesh, prim, sculpt, irrelevant when you're good at your craft. I don't even know how old these homes are, and I couldn't care less. Fantastic builds that have beat out brand new, fresh out the mesh oven builds that I've spent thousands of linden on for my rental sim. I've loved every home purchased so far and have many more sitting in my favorites for future purchase. Well worth the price is an understatement.

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High LI but a great price and goodlooking.
full star full star full star full star empty star Publié le 10/2/2015 de Holy13 Writer

It really is only the land impact that makes me mark these down a bit. Love that they are completely moddable so I can make a whole street and more with any number of variations. Relieved that the tress are removable as have my own that I want to use. Still can't quiet get over how cheap these are.

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