G General

TheSinner_Diamonds_Solids Version 1.0


▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▧ Product Notes▧▧▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨
Kindly check the item inworld and read the AD to find all the information that you need, for any additional info kindly don't hesitate to message Me inworld. Thank you.

▧▧▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▧▧ Additional Notes ▧▧▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨▨
If you are having any issues regarding any of My products whether it's Free or Not, I am always happy to help and I shall respond as soon as possible.

-In case I failed to solve your issue, then I would fully refund you.

-In case you double purchased a product, I will also fully refund you for the second purchase.

-For feedback/inquiries, kindly never hesitate to drop Me a message inworld.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't forget to grab the free products at My store on the Marketplace !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See item in Second Life
  • Decor
  • Art
  • Unique
  • Inspired
  • 100% mesh