*ThisNThat DB9
This vehicle has so many options Its way to much to list. Its not your ordinary sl car.. First a run down of options then I will explain them..
Basics First.
Realistic smoke from the pipes.
Three predone driving modes. Cruise, Drift, Speed
Rec Positions And Return Positions
Lights- Full lights all around the car.. You can see from the images .
Adjust is to adjust your seating
Lock or unlock to let others drive
Settings.. In this menu you get to adjust Turning Reverse Gravity Down force Slide Camber Tire Angle and the ability to load your own setup and save one.
Opening doors , and hood..
Realistic engine movement when the car is running.
Realistic brake lights.
Seats the driver and one passenger
Clicking on help in the menu gives you some helpful information in chat on how to drive it. looks just like this
steer: ⬅/➡ (A/D)
forward: ⬆(W)
brake/reverse: ⬇(S)
gear up: E/PageUp
gear down: D/PageDown
drift: SHIFT + ⬅/➡ (A/D)
skid: ⬅/➡ (A/D) + ⬇(S)
recover: ⬆(W)+⬇(S)
Some thing very new.. Click the license plate and it rezzes a color pallet the same as used in the second life build tools. you can pick an infinent amount of colors with shade options. but still have nice shading to the paint.
Some performance things to know..
Page up and page down are how you shift.
Holding ctrl and turning will send it into drifting..
Very realistic driving is setup already and you can fine tune as much as you like. Perfect for RP and very easy to drive around the smallest citys.
The car is copy and mod So you can add or take away what ever you like..
car is 84LI Not bad at all if you look at everything it has and the detail..
Automatic updates as long as you play Second Life.
Any questions Please IM Camdonn Resident Before you buy
Thank you.
See item in Second Life View Video »- Mesh
- Realistic Looks