Three piles of sand - 3 heaps of sand - Sandhaufen - sandheap - soil - Erdhaufen
Three sand heaps / piles of sands:
1 large heap, dredged/scooped.
Comes as a 1-impact version and as a bit more edge-detailed version with 6-impact in two half-pieces linked.
~ 10 x 7 x 2.30 m.
1 heap with root wood and branches inside.
Comes as a 0,5-impact version (2 heaps linked = still 1 impact) and as a bit more edge-detailed version with 6-impact.
~ 5,20 x 3,60 x 1,10 m.
1 heap out of brighter, finer sand.
Comes as a 0,5-impact version (2 linked = 1 impact)
and as a 6-impact version with more details in shadows when lighted.
~ 3,60 x 3,20 x 1 m
Modify+copy, scaling the heaps completely +/- or L,B,H only is possible, resulting more or less prim-impact then.
Each pile = one texture, non-bright.
See pics or inworld (the 1-impact versions are rezz-presented).
L$ 79
Land Required
This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.
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- User Licensed