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Thunder Bug 2018 - SALE

Thunder Bug 2018 - SALE

Thunder Bug 2023

UPDATED June 2023

scripts have been tweaked

improved projector lights

new drive poses (driver and passenger)

new color card (97 colors)

improved finish

new wheels

brighter lights

leaves tracks on burnout and skids

been a popular little car - it's so much FUN to drive and skid around in - it's very very agile and easy to drive - plus it's CUTE!

I removed the main headlight beams - added projector lights on steroids
added a texture on the media player
under the hood added lower gears so it's even easier to drive for new drivers - so easy now it sets a standard for easy
new "burnout" sound for the engine
went through every script setting and changed some
added a custom plate so you can put your pic on it

Drifter - hold shift key while turning

ONLY 26prims - LI 24!!! EXTREMELY LOW - very high performance!

one of the best handling cars you will drive

detailed interior

music player

doors open/close

headlights are blinding - (for night racing) hehe

color / shine hud

sounds amazing!

REV / BURNOUT with hud


this car is such a blast - I should charge for the fun !

shipping the first one AND v.2 in the box

gives you a choice

built from a NEXT kit

  • Drifter
  • 26 prims 22 LI ! GASP!
  • fits smaller avatars and big ones too
  • has music player
  • Color Hud Color/Shne
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Best drifter I have.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 06, 2015 by philomathia

Easy to use.

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