After long consideration I decided to close my shop and ingame store.
The products will remain on the marketplace.
However, the products will not be updated nor new ones added.
Thank you very much for your support, advice, inspiration and many kind words during the last 12 years.
Have a great time in SL
TiMo Habitat (2007-2020)
TiMo Geo
* 1 Sculpted Prim: Path 02A - pepples 6 Texturen
* mod / copy
* textur-change menu
* without alpha texture
* Changing between the textures by simple menu
* Menu opens with click on object
* Texure changes by selection the button with the desired texture
* The Menü script of the rezzed object deletes itself automatically 14 days after last using
in this way it doesn`t interfere with the sim performance
* The selected texture remains on the rezzed object
* The menu script remains in the original object in the inventory
* There are no alpha-textures in the path-prim, so there are no problems with alpha-sort
* Example: skirts and shoes remain their normal look
* The path was build "deeper" so it can be used well on each underground / surface
* The sides of the path are slightly wavelike for an natural appearance
* For an optimale presentation please modify the path as proportionally as possible
Have also fun with these path and enjoy creating and building
© TiMo Geo
part of TiMoHabitat is a label of:
Moe McAlpine & thinkangel McAlpine
If you have any question you also can contact LadyMia McMillan.
I sure like this.. I just wish I could take the sculptie texture and apply it to my own prim.. cause I need a LOT of path- and I'd rather save a couple prim using the sculpt texture on a mega...