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*Tiki-Tiki* soundemitter - Whale sounds

*Tiki-Tiki* soundemitter - Whale sounds

Soundemitter with bird sounds, ambience sounds, soundeffect. If you need it several times on your sim or on different sims, I recommend to buy this copy version. Never get lost - as often use as you want.
Copy Version also available! Link below.

Brings natural sound and a real "beach", "woods" or "garden" - feeling. Very much different ambience sound emitting stones. Just place it somewhere on your property and enjoy the unique experience. For some stones there is a short video sequence, so u´ll get an impression how it will sound.

Come and visit the *Tiki - Tiki* Store on xstreet. Building and selling of high quality * Tiki * - bamboo items for the ambitious customer. Nice houses and landscaping items. Have a look and see much more different well designed stuff. :-)

Greetings Katja Mendes

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Don't buy it does not work !
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted July 16, 2020 by Norton Lykin

Don't buy it does not work !

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