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Time Sphere Drone Companion

Time Sphere Drone Companion
Time Sphere Drone Companion
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Time Sphere Drone Companion!
A 100% mesh custom creation!

Created by: Tempest Inc. Content creations
crew member: TheDoctor Xevion
Permission: ( Copy Only )

Tempest Inc. Creations Company will only be offering a small selection range of our product line here on Marketplace, these being a selection of some top selling Tempest products. For our full complete line of products we highly recommend that you consider dropping by our in world stores to shop with us.

We'll only be offering our freebie product bundles for the Time Cars, & Doctor Who items strictly at our in world shops from now on. If you are looking for those, please consider shopping with us in world, Thank you kindly!

Package features:

* Time Sphere Drone, with sim-wide scanner data readout upon owner touch! "Get real time data readout as float text above the drown such as Local Lag, SIM name, and a load of other important information about the area you are currently in".

* Chat to people utilizing owner text in local area chat on channel 10! "Chatting as the drone includes unique sound effect, & special animations for drone upon every chatter".

* Drone owner orbital circling: Will orbit around owner every 2 minutes or so, & has float animations via "Bento" rigging!

* Control [HUD] Features & functions:

Using [HUD] owners can travel teleport in local SIM, & or GRID-WIDE travel to anywhere in Second Life by way of the following options:

* Main travel drone icon! "Drop menu listings".
* TP to Camera! "TP to where your camera is".
* Fast Return! "Return to a previous location"!
* Set Home / Go home "TP home anytime"
* Random Travel 4th dimensional hyper-cube icon!
"Activates random travel to end up anywhere in SL".

BONUS: Extra travel effects for owners!

* Included is an extra attachment that if worn will activate automatcally upon each travel using the drone. It adds a bit more epic effect to the teleports surrounding, and bathing owners in gold sparks!

Price: 350L!
Lifetime customer service, & free updates if any!
Thanks for shopping Tempest Inc. Creations Company!

Disclaimer: Tempest Incorporated Creations Company, it's products, & or actions, are in no way intended to infringe upon any real world copyrights. All products are original designs, any resemblance to real world objects is purely coincidental, and is in no way meant to infringe upon any rights. All Linden Dollar proceeds from sales are used to sustain production, & maintain Shop rental costs.

See item in Second Life

L$ 350

Adding to cart as gift


Sold by: Super Jansma

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

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  • User Licensed
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Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh