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Timed explosive device

Timed explosive device

You can use this bomb for a number of different things in second life from SL combat that will damage %100 on damage land. To completely ripping apart vehicles or houses for random fun or making Machinima movies so if you need a Second life movie Worthy explosion effect then this is all you need.

See a YouTube video showing some of the fun you can have

You will get 2 different size’s one large and one small

The smaller size is to real life scale

The bigger one is bigger incase you cant see it.

Key Pad: Yes the key pad is functional you can dial in any amount of time in seconds or minutes you like up to 99:99 click start to activate or click clear to cancel and stop.

Input usage:

Rezz it on the ground wait a few moments for the display to load it will cycle through a display test. (If the display appears blurry this only means that the textures that make up the numbers haven’t loaded yet. Doing a few count downs will fix this as the textures will load into your cache). If you’re a person that always clears your cache then obviously these number will always appear blurry to you until they load.

This is Nice and simple just like programming a decent microwave (You must know how to cam on to objects to set the timer) if you can not use your camera to focus you need to learn how to do this or you will not be able to set the timer.

To get 1 minute simply press 1 and click start. 01:00

To get 1 minute and 50 seconds press 1 then . then 50 then press start 01:50

To get 0 minutes and 25 seconds press 0 then . then 25 then press start 00:25

To get 0 minutes and 09 seconds press 0 then . then 0 then 9 then press start 00:09
(0.9 will be calculated as 90 seconds and then turned into 1:30)

If you dial in 1 minute and 89 seconds the extra minute will be added to the minute side and the remainder 29 seconds will remain in the second’s side
So you will get a time of 2:29 as there is only 60 seconds in a minute.

The bomb has 4 different modes to you can set.

Commands Say on Channel /99: damage . push . training . impulse

1: damage will kill on damage land

2: push will push up to 4 avatar for 10 seconds

3: training will do nothing but the effects with out any push damage or impulse

4: impulse (Default Set mode) will create realistic shockwave blasts on surrounding physical objects

Delink script:
This is a script that can be placed into any object 31 prims or less to delink it when the bomb goes off creating a very realistic explosion that can be used for making Machinima movies or just randomly blowing objects up (Using the Default Impulse setup). This script will set all the objects to temp so you don’t need to worry about cleaning up as all the objects will delete them self’s after 1 minute.

Usage: Drag and drop the script into your object then open the script and set it to Running.

If you have any problems please contact me first.

See item in Second Life View Video »
  • damage
  • push
  • training
  • impulse
  • shockwave blast
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 13, 2015 by JS Treves



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just awesome work!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 08, 2012 by Wolferein Foxdale

The details are great on this and its extremely fun to use.

i kinda had big laughs with the timer when you can set the time to 99 minutes.

i recommend this for all who are interested

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