Titanium Crossroads A Forest Scene
Bringing Prims to Life
It is part of my organic "Thinking Outside the Box" series.
A footpath and a road come together to form the Crossroads, after which this piece is named.
This is a very realistic forest scene / skybox.
From the overhead canopy of intermingled branches, to the fungi growing off a tree, you could actually be in one of the many forests of the world or perhaps in that small clump of trees just down the road.
The forest sounds of both day and night can be heard off in the near distance creating an ambience that heighten the senses.
Vines crawl along the ground and disappear into the tree foilage above adding to the remarkable illusion of realism. You can almost smell the dampness of the leaves on the ground or the faint aroma of them returning to the earth.
Was that a summer shower in the distance?
Click the big mushroom by one of the trees and a light rainfall shall emerge, finding its way through the thick bramble of branches above.
I added another mushroom to click next to the big one for hoots and hollers, minus the hollers. ;-)
I have tried to capture a small piece of real life here in world and believe I have done so with this small piece of art.
How did the "Thinking Outside the Box" series come to be?
One day I was in a sandbox staring blankly at my screen, when my girlfriend asked "What are you doing?" I told her I was trying to think of something to build. She looked at me and said, "Think Outside the Box" and I am sure it will be great."
What did I do?
I created a big prim box and sat inside of it. Yes, so typically male of me, I know, but what has come from that experience has been such a joy.
I do hope that while in any of this series, you get the feeling of being happy, joyous and free.
I have been a nature childe since I was birthed, and fortunate enough to have walked in forests on four different continents, in the 40 some years I have been here on Terra Firma. Making this organic series has come very naturally to me.
It has been a pleasure to bring prims to life and hope you enjoy the feeling also.
This comes in a rez box for easy deployment.
Place the rez box on the ground, white side up and the picture pointing in the direction you wish it to rez. Click the box and choose "rez forest." Once rezzed you may move the box to perfect your placement and the scene will follow.
To get inside the forest, I am including a flying carpet that will allow you to pass through the walls into the forest.
Rez the carpet, which is copy-mod-trans, sit on it and fly into the cave, you will pass through the walls as if by magic. Controls for flying are the same for your avatar when flying.
Once inside you will see some mushrooms by the water, click the biggest one to turn on the audio and special effects.
For an explosion of your senses, change the environmental settings to sunrise or sunset. A very peaceful and romantic setting will be bestowed upon thee.
20 x 20 x 10 ( inside it looks much much larger)
100 Living Prims
Copy / Modify / No Transfer
Too Cool!
Very awsome! a+ has sounds, ceiling has brantchs n vines corner has trees stiking out and a bolder in the middle
This rezzes a room thats a forest! then you can clean it up n put it away