Thank you for shopping at Anais'Boutique !
★ Tested with ~ToddleeDoo - Baby (v.4.2.8)
Toddleedoo Sailor Outfit V1
- Toddleedoo Dress Sailor
- Toddleedoo Undies Sailor
- Choker Necklace
★ (A click on the choker allows you to resize it)
- Earring Pearl Left
- Earring Pearl Right
★ (A click on the earring allows you to resize it)
- Toddleedoo Bow Sandal L
- Toddleedoo Bow Sandal R
- Hud Toddleedoo Bow Sandal (wear me) with :
- Resizing
★ A free demo is available, please use it before your purchase
Permissions: Copy/No Mod/No Trans.
Have a Fun !!
- toddleedoo baby
- outfit
- dress
- undies
- hud