Tokyo.Girl . Minki Ballerina Flatties with Buckles - Shiny Black&White
[★ Package Includes ★]
- One Pair of sculpted Ballerina Flats - not rigged
- Shoebase (must wear)
[★ Info ★]
Your new Ballerinas are sculpted and perfect fit on feet size 0 which is the
default feet size for all Tokyo.Girl Avatar Shapes. Make sure that you wear
the included Shoebase for the best possible fit.
[★ Resize & Stretch ★]
The Ballerinas comes with a stretch and resize script.
You do activate this by touching either right or left shoe, a menu dialog will
pop up, follow the instructions.
Before you do anything with your new shoes, please have a backup of them
handy (best is to keep the original box).
Please note, you need to have the ability to run scripts to activate the menu.
[★ Delivery Issues ★]
Please contact me if you have any delivery issues, send a notecard is the best option. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
See item in Second LifeL$ 60
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
More info
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed