Tokyo.Girl - Skin - Nia Sunkissed (BoM & Classic) Version 2020
▨ What you get [Content]
➤ Skin for Mesh Bodies/Heads (Bake on Mesh Skin)
➤ Skin for Classic Avatars (Standard SL)
➤ Eyes ES11 Grey (Part of Eyeset 11)
Product Photo is showing Catwa Hanako Head in
Combination with Maitreya Lara Mesh Body.
▨ Body Shape separately at Mainstore available.
Before considering a purchase, make sure, that the Skin
will fit fine and pleasure you, please try a DEMO first :)
All time favorite skin and shape!
It's my default when I'm human. Nothing comes close. It's super cute and can be sexy too. I adore all the details on the skin!
L$ 299
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
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