The Train Teleporter allows train traffic with one or more directional trains on several levels / platforms of a sim.
Package content:
Folder 01. Description
Folder 02. Teleporter Gates in / out
Folder 03. Multifunction Sensor (v2.3a)
Folder 04. Teleporter Train Tunnel Suggestion
Folder 05. Test-/Demo Train
Folder 06. Sim-Restart / Train-Restart Sender
scripts, copy, no mod, no trans
objects copy, mod, no trans
Test-/Demo Train (copy, no mod, no trans)
Easy setup with description and pictures. Preadjusted test- / demo Train
Scripts for updating existing Bibian´s trains.
For questions, help or assistance please IM to Brit Balogh or Neytiri Breil
See item in Second Life- Teleport for directional Bibian´s Trains
- simwide function
- Test-/ Demo Train included
perfect thank you
everything is perfect as the description, many thanks
Terrific works with All Trains
As long as your train is Mod perms it will work.
However . With Brit's trains you can drive into and through the sensor and you will relocate ..
If you use other trains not made by Brit . You may need to stop ON the sensor . so that the root prim of the train is marked over / on the sensor and it WILL work . You just need to place the train_menu (v3.2a) and the vehicle_mover (v1.0c) scripts into your train . ( not the train_main (v3.2a) 1)
and place the vehicle_mover (v1.0c) into your train car ( not the train_main (v3.2a) )
if you do this . it will work perfectly .
This system is AMAZING and works really good . I have tested it with the AT GP-4-2 Train and 2 copies of the AT Tankcar GFSL Traincars . and it worked perfect to relocate the train AND the 2 cars . great work .
Zug Teleport / Train Teleport
~Hier auch wieder eine wunderbare Idee. Ein Zug Teleport er arbeitet ohne Fehler ich schreibe mal so treu wie unsere Herstellerin (Bibian) Smyle. Also es lohnt sich greift zu ich kann den Teleport sehr empfehlen!
~ Here's another wonderful idea. A train Teleport he works without errors, I write as faithfully as our manufacturer (Bibian) Smyle. So it is worthwhile to use it, I can highly recommend the Teleport!
Excellent product
Anther fine package of scripts from Bibian. They work great although can be a bit tricky to implement and the instructions could be a little cleaner but after a few trial and errors I got the hang o it. Makes a very quick and clean teleport. I only tried it on her trains, so I have no idea how well they will work with others.