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Two-prim Garden Flower B/Full Perm Sculpted Prim for Builders

Two-prim Garden Flower B/Full Perm Sculpted Prim for Builders
Two-prim Garden Flower B/Full Perm Sculpted Prim for Builders
15 Reviews

Old sculpted item.
This item remains for redelivery.

This set offers flowers and leaves made from 2 prims.
One prim will morph into leaves, 2 stems without flowers, and one stem with a bud.

One prim will morph into 2 flowers. So, If you are looking for one flower, that is,IF A 2-FLOWER SHAPE IS NOT WHAT YOU NEED FOR YOUR CREATION, YOU SHOULD NOT PURCHASE THIS.

Basically this is a set that will be useful when you have limited prims available but your build needs garden flowers. The flowers don't have elegant curving lines. If you have additional prims available for your project, the combination of the leaves prim in this box and other flower sculptys would give you good results. Please check out related items.

When you use this flowers prim, you can download the surface textures and shadowmaps in the box and photoshop/gimp them to make your flowers.

The set includes:
* 3 linked objects(mod/copy/trans)
red flowers and leaves, pink flowers and leaves, shadowmap object
* 2 invisible sculptmaps (no mod/copy/trans)
you can make your own sculpted prims using these sculptmaps.
If you need mod sculptmaps for special purposes, you should not purchase this item.
* 2 shadowmaps(mod/copy/trans)
* 3 surface textures(mod/copy/trans)
red flower, purple flower and leaves


You may use the contents in this pack only in Second Life. Please, don't use it in other 3D worlds.

The contents in this pack are not to be given away or resold as is. The contents in this pack may be used on your own creations freely, for commercial or personal builds.

Don't sell or give away the creations you made with this package as full perms items or copyable+transferable items, ie your creations must be either:
(mod/copy/no transfer) or
(mod/no copy/transfer) or
(mod/no copy/no transfer) or
(no mod/copy/no transfer) or
(no mod/no copy/transfer) or
(no mod/no copy/no transfer).
Be sure not to let your creations distribute the sculptmap as a texture, or the textures itself.

* Help protect content creator copyrights *

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you're the best, Gumi :)
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 23, 2013 by Aeris Shenlin

Always such great quality and a great eye for detail, I have bought all my sculpty plants from this store. Can highly recommend it to builders!

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Totally cute
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 01, 2011 by Dancer Glimmer

An amazing creation with just 2 prims! thanks for the great builder's kit!

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L$ 299

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Gumi's Flower Shop   origami
Gumi's Flower Shop origami
Sold by: Gumi Yao

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This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.

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  • User Licensed
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Land Impact: 0