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Typer RS-Aura.Lycan Version 1.0

Typer RS-Aura.Lycan
Typer RS-Aura.Lycan
1 Review

1. - Teleport: When the avatar teleports to another location, it releases particles on the ground for 3 seconds upon arrival at the new destination.
Flight: When the avatar flies, it releases ribbon particles from the hands with movement.
3. - Writing: The avatar releases particles which form a circle of smoke on the ground as a moon appears on the top of the avatar.
Dash: When the avatar flies, by holding down the left mouse click, the avatar's flight accelerator is activated.

Inside the folder you will find 3 items:
RS-Aura. Lycan
RS-Hand. Lycan L
RS-Hand. Lycan R
Thank you very much for your purchase, in case of any doubt, please send im. Enjoy the product :)


** I also make typers with custom designs on request, in case of any request do not hesitate to contact you**

Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 04, 2018 by ziopo

Es exactamente lo que dice! la calidad del humo y la luna son excelentes! Al igual que el aullido de fondo, es perfecto para rollplay, recomendable!

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L$ 120

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Sold by: FerdyRosasP

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This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.

This item contains wearable items for your avatar.

  • Copy
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  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: Partial Mesh
Land Impact: 6