perms = COPY MOD noTRANS
foot print = 128x94x35 (tall) meters
prims = 611 (with the furniture)
Another creation of RKTF design "The Typhon Fortress", a fortress for a multipurpose use like shops, RP, etc. Built in a medieval style and impressiveness to leave the mouth open to anyone who wanders into her.
It consists of a main entrance through a long bridge (slide a river through its high arches ...), a beautiful system of doors with grills leading to a spacious internal patio, through the central staircase leads to the dungeon, at the sides (in the lower level) there are two covered areas (in one will find some barrels with lamps for hang with the friends), up the stairs lead to two large rooms, one with a fireplace and discreetly furnished with tables, chairs, plants with pots...
Three balconies, two at the sides of the top rooms, and one larger one in the back of the fortress with a fountain (with water sound, running water and steam).
It come also with 3 spared torches (2 prims each), 2 long and 2 short, full COP/MOD as all the fortress.
Also this one... a must-have item!
All doors come with AeonVox system control (with documentation) for have the most customizable access.
Central Control & doors quick use:
- To manage all the doors (and windows) with 1 click use the "Central Control" your setup menu will appear.
- To manage each door for separated left-click and hold over the door, after a few short moments your setup menu will appear.
NOTE: some windows can be opened... click the wooden frame for open their. If click in the glass can change the glass texture in opened/closed.
- The "nautical lamps" (like the bar table-barrels ones) and the "table candle" have a switch to turn on and off.
- All the toches on the fortress are automatic (turn ON/OFF with SL time) anyway their respond to the command in local chat (without quotes) "torch on" / "torch off"
- For turn ON/OFF the fireplace, say the command in local chat (without quotes) "fireplace on" / "fireplace off"
NOTE: can also SHOUT, so not need be near each group of lights.
1- Place the rezzbox at the ground in the center of a large space.
2- Rezz the build by click the box and then "REZ", wait the message in local chat "All parts rezzed"
3- Drag (move) or rotate the rezz box until you find the desired position
4- When finish to place the build, and all is ok, click again the rezzbox and then click "DONE" (for remove the scripts of the rezzer), then can delete your rezzbox.
If need help for rezz and place the build feel free to contact me.
Really well made building at a reasonable price, prims can be further reduced by careful deleting of furniture and any parts not wanted. As this is not mesh it rezzes fast and lags a lot less.