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USS Neo Mini Starship boxed

USS Neo Mini Starship boxed


Introducing the USS Neo MINI Starship.
This ship flies physically, much like a shuttle with banking and physics!
It is useful for MINI space battles (designed for use with the Space Enemies HUD which is sold separately).



1 Object
29 Prims
SIZE - 22m long, 16m wide, 4m tall


Rez out the USS Neo MINI Starship in world. Make sure that flying and shooting are allowed on the sim where you rez it.

Right click and "Board" the MINI Starship and "Board" it.

Say "start" in local chat to start the engines. .

Fly the MINI Starship using Page Up/Page Down buttons and the Arrow keys.

It fires damaging weapons! To fire phasers, go to "mouselook" then aim and left click your mouse. (If the phasers don't shoot, stand up and board a second time to allow scripts to respond)

To fire photon bolts, locate the "red light" from behind the ship and left click on it. The photon bolts fire by "touch" and are not aimable. You have to point and orient the ship to face the space enemy to fire its highly damaging photon bolts.

The Mini starships are capable of "warping" Just say alt then the altitude to warp to your desired altitude. For example, to go to 3000 meters, you would say
"alt 3000"

Damageable - Some of these Starships are "damageable" You have to use the starship with the suffix (D) which indicates it is damageable. It starts out with 75,000 hitpoints.

To repair a damaged starship you will have to use the "Drydock" which is sold separately.


I have tested the USS Neo MINI Starship in in flight and in battle, and it is great fun! Several product testers have confirmed that it looks cool and works great.

Retired Admiral Steve Atlanta
CEO Atlanta Spacecraft


  • Flies with banking and turning
  • Can "warp" to different altutudes
  • Can fire damaging weapons
  • Has a Damageable/repairable version