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Ultimate riding hud 2

Ultimate riding hud 2
Ultimate riding hud 2
7 Reviews

Before you pay any attention to the this writeup or the reviews come and get the free DEMO of this HUD and try it out before you bye it you will find the link at the button of this page and please if you like this product please take the time to review it.

The Ultimate ridding HUD 2 is a powerful set of every day fun animations
Every thing from ridding with a friend on the back of there horse to shoulder
Rides and holding a child in your arms. Using the new extremely fast following technique.

See this Video for basic use and functions (See Below for video link) 

This product comes with free updates for life. because of this it is not possible for me to sell no copy "transfer" versions as this would allow one to get an unlimited amount of transfer copy's but keep in mind that in owning one of these truly magical HUD's is that your partner or friend doesn't even need to own one. The way i have designed this is to allow the owner to ether ride on any ones avatar or have there partner or friend ride on there avatar so it works vice versa. There are truly endless possibilities. 

Ride with friends on the back of there horses
Color changeable
Offset options Up Down Forward Back Left and Right giving total control to precisely adjust your position and still keep perfect rotation. 
Stand behind
Chest hold
Shoulder ride
Piggy back
Front cuddle
Stand on head
Carry in arms
Tiny hold
Holding hands
Ride pony avatars : Keep in mind that there actually needs to be a pony or other 4 legged avatar for this to work.

For Couples, parents, horse riders, and more!
(NEW Just added)
Carry in arms.

Tiny hold <-- Walk and Hold tiny avatars in your arms

Holding hands... don't be restricted by avatar size walk and hold hands with any sized avatar from full sized avatars to holding hands with and walking a child.

HUD over view


Shoulder ride:
The classic shoulder ride. Animates both avatars

Piggy back:
The classic piggyback ride. Animates both avatars

Front cuddle:
Be carried around by your partner while cuddling very cute.

Pony ride:
Ever seen those pony avatars? Any 4 legged animal, dragon, dog? Ever imagined that you could ride
On them? Well with this HUD you can

Twin horse:
Have you got a friend with a horse? Weather it be an attachment or vehicle type you can now hitch 
A ride with them on the back of there horse where ever they go.

Stand head:
The classic stand on head animation this allows you to stand on any ones head and stay standing 
Even if they move.

Stand behind:
I know we have all been in that situation where some one pulls a gun out on us. This one can be
Very funny where as you can simply stand behind them. Where ever they go what ever direction 
They move you will always be standing behind them.

Chest hold:
This is for all you family’s out there you can now hold your child in your arms and carry them around 
With you. This will not work correctly with large avatars. Animates both avatars

Instructions for use
1 Click avatar and select a name. Or you can Click Me if you want to lead and allow others to ride.
2 Select an animation.
3 Click the particles or Right click and Sit.
4 Using the Offsets and Change button you can now toggle between all of the animations 

The offsets button will allow you to adjust your sitting position up down Forward Back Left and Right. With this many offsets it is possible to ride any avatar on second life whether it be the most giant sized to the smallest pony. Imagine sitting on the shoulder of a giant beast "you could be there shoulder pet" once again this will work vice versa. Imagine riding on the biggest dragons on second life on any position you want. 
You can also check for New updates of this product from this option.

Change: This button will allow you to change the animation with out needing to rezz another Rider prim. You only need to rezz once and all the different animations are at your command. for example Change from holding hands to a Shoulder ride with 2 clicks.

Lock: Clicking this button will lock the current rider into its position. This will allow you to rezz another Rider and have another person ride as well so now you can not only just hold some ones hand but have another avatar on your shoulders at the same time in my test I have had 4 avatars riding one person and there is room for more.

Scan: This is a scanner that will scan an entire SIM for a building/rezzing enabled area once it finds a parcel with build enabled it will open your map and give you the option to teleport directly to the build parcel this way you can rezz the rider and be able to walk around in this no build Sims

Please see the PDF file for more information and pictures.

Download instructions See item in Second Life View Video »
  • Piggy back
  • Carry in arms
  • Holding hands
  • Ride pony avatar
  • Ride with friends on the back of there horses
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Meh... :(
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted August 02, 2017 by Teilah Shamen

It simply isn't working for me. I wish we could request a refund through LL's within 3 hours of purchase. I would surely do that

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted August 17, 2016 by VincentValentine Shriner

It won't work, at all. It's outdated and the update button does nothing. It does not connect with the person you want on your back.

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L$ 950

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hoohaa Anaconda
hoohaa Anaconda

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Land Impact: 0