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Urban City buildings pack- 38 buildings- Drag n drop! バージョン 2

Urban City buildings pack- 38 buildings- Drag n drop!

REZ BOX is not copy mod, just the BUILDING itself is copy mod, once store is selected in the rez menu, after rezzing.
Use your order history to get another copy of the rez box from the marketplace, if required.

A collection of my urban builds in one box, some high-rise have just one floor & the upper part is for effect and others have floors. There are other builds such as a multi- story car park and even an underground station.

Updated 5/5/2019 on reduce land impact and tweek each builds information. 1748 land impact in total but it really depends on your usage of the kit.

  • All copy mod builds
  • All linked and ready to drag & drop on your land
  • 38 builds in all
評価平均: full star full star full star full star half star
  • 5 スター:
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  • 1 スター:
There's a lot to play with, plenty of uses.
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2022/08/22 : Sebastyne Alpha

There's a lot of variety; some of the buildings look outdated and a bit "prim work," but there are so many you don't have to use them all. Some of the buildings (like that blue one in the photo) are quite beautiful in a city scene. There's also so many, I ran out of space on a partially build city, so I have choices to make.

They are primmy, but I figure that as temporary city fillers, as I intend to use them, they are like prim banks that stop me from over-using prims elsewhere on my sim. So, in other words, you can open up your sim early and keep these babies in there to give depth to the scene while you gradually improve your city block-by-block.

I don't think I would build a city on these alone these days, but they will work beautifully as scene fillers - some permanently, some temporarily.

I probably started rezzing from the worst one in the pack, though all of them would be rubbish, but no. There are some good ones in there.

I don't find them resizable; all the ones I've tried to resize (make them smaller, in my case) have fallen apart... But there might be a method to do it, I haven't tried everything yet.

Good for the price
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2019/11/10 : LeatherElf1 Beat

They are not small. They are not mesh and they are not prim light. But for what they are they are a great piece for builders to create.

You will find something you can use and it will be worth the 100L. I found 3. Worth it!

Just awesome.
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2018/04/15 : Rage Nova

Lots of fun to go around with, everything is mod so everything can be adjusted to fit into personal style and preferences and such, best buy for city fillers and fun accesable buildings.

Great Buy
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2018/03/23 : BunnyVonPink

It may be a little prim heavy (I didn't think they were that bad) or dated (again not bad) but you can't beat what your getting for the price. This is excellent for anyone wanting to make a city build and needs buildings to fill it. They can be altered, you can put extra floors in, add new textures, different elevators or TPs, stairs, whatever but it will save you a mint in buying buildings if you have the know how to mod them or even if you leave them like they are. I've used them in a lot of my sims, from city, to grunge, and sci fi to making apartments and offices. You can make galleries, theatres, stores and everything can be rented. It's really not that hard. Even if you just use these for decoration I've seen decor builds go for 10Xs this much! For one build! I kid you not! And most of these have floors, plus you get a parking garage and a underground station. Check out some of the prices of parking garages alone in SL. You are definitely getting your money's worth.

Dated, but excellent fillers.
full star full star full star full star empty star 掲載済み 2017/11/20 : Noelle Lapis

The buildings show their age but for fillers this a wonderful collection. These buildings are mod, so you can shave off some prims by removing some repeating parts and stretch them here and there. I continue to find use for these for my sim and I'm very happy with the purchase!

An Amazing Value
full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2015/06/07 : Gweeb Banana

Perhaps the other reviewer was trying to build on a low-prim rental. The buildings included here are detailed well and of reasonable size for anyone who has a realistic prim budget to develop a rich and varied urban environment, and at a very affordable price. Buildings are mod, so anyone who knows what they're doing will have no trouble using these. Highly recommended.
