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V-Tech Boi Chest Hot Stuff Derby Queen Versão 1

V-Tech Boi Chest Hot Stuff Derby Queen

You are ready for the Roller Derby with this complete outfit!

The outfit is rigged and fitted for the V-Tech Boi Chest add on for Maitreya Lara. It includes:

Elbow Pads
unrigged sunglasses
Shoe base for skates
Pair of rigged skates for Slink High feet (the scripted version includes a roller skating animation)
Unrigged pair of skates
Unrigged right skate with animation

Note about the skates:

If you have the Maitreya feet, take them off and wear the skates, Use the shoe base for Maitreya

If you have Slink feet then, wear this model of slink shoes may have to modify the "hover" of your avatar body shape in order to keep the shoes above ground.

Edit your avatar and at the bottom of the "Body" tab put your hover to "52".

Veja o item no Second Life
  • Fitted to Maitreya Lara with the V-Tech Boi Chest
  • Complete outfit with skates, sunglasses, elbow and knee pads, shorts and top
  • Materials enabled (turn on Advanced Lighting Model)
  • Scripted skates with skating animation
  • Slink High skates as well as unrigged skates