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VENDETTA - Antognia Bag (Red)

VENDETTA - Antognia Bag (Red)

Leather fashion bag. Comes with left elbow and right hand animations. It's available too without animation.


Copy, NO modify, No transfer

Resizer script and high quality textures.


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  • HQ textures
評価平均: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2013/06/27 : Kaliope Karas

I think that a lot of people don't pay much attention to bags in SL. I love bags in RL, and naturally, look for them here too. Trust me, good ones are hard to find!

So, I was skeptical when I looked at this one. I liked that she had a picture of an avatar carrying the bag, so you could see scale and size, and it was fairly cheap compared to some I've seen, so that was a deciding factor.

I am so NOT disappointed! I want it in WHITE ((hint hint)). It also comes in two different poses and one not animated, so you have a couple of options on how to wear it. Very nice.

So if like me, you are hesitating, just buy it!
