Mesh Scarf full perm
(not rigged!)
Mesh Scarf textured for you own purposes (only copy and mod)
Mesh item shadowmap and UV Map
To help you texturizing the item
This notecard
By purchasing Viviane Fashion Full Perm Templates you agree to the following:
+You will not sell the mesh full perm
+You will not give away or share the mesh
+You will not sell or give away clothing you make from these mesh full perm or with copy/transfer permissions enabled.
+You will not use these mesh in any template kit of you own.
+ you are not allowed to sell or give away the textured item in any way. This item is just for your personal use.
You are allowed to modify and sell this item by itself or as part of a set - as long as it has been significantly modified.
If you need any help or have any further questions, please feel free to contact Viviane Hobble.
Simply Love it!
-delicate enough for a sheer texture very pretty. I'd live one with two faces one for edging. Smiles.