G General

VH Jelly Bunny v0.2 - Sugar Versión v0.2 Early Release

VH Jelly Bunny v0.2 - Sugar

Cute, squishy and a little pushy.

Package includes 2 versions.
One with it's favorite food, and one without.

2 Land Impact each.

To start or stop the bunnies' movement just give them a poke.
When stopping the movement they should snap back to their home point.
This function is owner-locked.

Jelly Bunnies will roam up to 4m from their homepoint.

*Materials enabled viewer required for optimum appearence.

  • Cute, squishy, and a little pushy.
  • 2 Land Impact
  • Wanders upto 4m from homepoint.
  • Squishes and stretches to move.
  • Touch start/stop movement. (ownerlocked)