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VHD Hell Hath No Fury Ensemble (boxed)

VHD  Hell Hath No Fury Ensemble (boxed)

Have you ever heard the axiom, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"?
To embody that sentiment in an outfit, here you go. This is my interpretation in wearable form. Please see the list of product features, I've included even the nail polish huds in red-black in addition to the horns, clothing in all layers, Omega and SLink appliers, this is the whole package. A fair deal at only 99L. We do hope that you love it!

Thank you for shopping at VHD.

  • Clothing in all layers
  • Omega and Slink appliers (including Slink sleeve tattoo applier)
  • Shoes (shown) for Slink High Feet, Belleza, and unrigged mesh are included
  • One pair of shoes for default feet included; red-black nail polish HUDS
  • Black horns (just add)