V&K Design Tweenster Leonie Tween complete Outfit
V&K Design Tweenster Leonie Tween complete Outfit
-Dress Tweenster FlatChest (fitted)
-Dress Tweenster Chest (fittet)
-Leather Girl Boots Black (resizer + Stretch Y/X/Z) for perfect size
(wear my box to unpack)
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These are my own Designs and Textures.
It is forbidden to imitate or duplicate them in any form.
They are for your own use only for wearing in SecondLive.
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At first I was unsure how it would work to cover up the chest as I tend to prefer modest clothing. But, Both flat and female chest is fully covered. Boots work just fine on both the V3 andV5 version of the Tweenster body. You'll need to alpha out your pelvis as i don't think any mesh underwear would fit under the dress. The boots make you feel/look kinda bad ass too.