G General

[VStyle] In Case Of Zombies Ladies Mesh Tee

[VStyle] In Case Of Zombies Ladies Mesh Tee

A mesh version of the ladies In Case of Zombies T-shirt.

Thank You For Purchasing Valuables from Verity’s!

Rez-rights not required for unpacking! Just right-click and "wear", the contents will be unpacked into your inventory and the "box" will delete itself.


This clothing is MESH, If you do not have a viewer that supports MESH you will
not be able to wear this item.

CAUTION: Your shape may need a little adjusting!
You can not resize mesh!

There are many viewers that support mesh. Here are a list of a few:

• Dolphin Viewer 3
• Singularity Viewer
• Firestorm Beta 3
• Cool VL
• Viewer 3
• Kirstens
• Niran’s Viewer
• Astra Viewer
• Catznip
• Frontier Viewer


IF THERE ARE ANY ISSUES OR IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS: Please contact Gage Verity.. You may also visit our website and submit a support
