//+Vamppyr+\\ MonoLid addon EvoX 0.4
You can use it to your EvoX heads.
It was tested on Gen EvoX head so possibly the product wont show the same as the picture if you're using other head of the line EvoX.
This product is only texture Layers AKA BOM made for EVOX exclusively, Also in this mod you'll find the Layers Bellow:
1.//+Vamppyr+\\ MonoLid addon EvoX Tattoo Layer (tintable)
2.//+Vamppyr+\\ MonoLid addon EvoX Tattoo Light skin Layer (tint)
3.//+Vamppy+\\ MonoLid addon EvoX uneversal layer (tint)
4.//+Vamppy+\\ MonoLid addon EvoX universal layer light skin (tint)
5. Note card
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Thank you again from Vamppyr team.