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Vamps Face light

Vamps Face light

(Pixelwear) Vamps Face Light is an adjustable beauty light ideal for avatars with pale skins, featuring 3 subtle levels of illumination that look natural even at broad daylight and all without casting any light on anything else but your face. You won't upset your friends or nearby avatars by illuminating them as any regular face light does, like you were a big torchlight.


Vamps Face Light:
* Includes three meticulously crafted, naturally subtle light presets to beautify your face
* Looks natural day or night, with or without Atmospheric Shaders enabled
* Does not illuminate your surroundings or create flicker
* Supports the Mouth, Chin and Nose attachment points with automatic positioning
* Is low lag (LSL2) and easy to use


The purpose of Vamps Face Light is *not* to make your face appear fully lit at all costs, but to soften the shadows a little bit and to make your face easier to see at night. Like make-up, a light like this is at its best when other people can't really tell if it's there or not. The light is a single light source, small radius and a cool tint to help it look natural at nighttime. Vamps Face Light supports multiple attachment points. It works equally well when attached to the Mouth, Chin or Nose attachment points, and will automatically adjust its positioning.


The visual effect of face lights in current SL Viewers depends on your graphics settings in SL Preferences. In order to see the effect of Vamps Face Light, or ANY other face light, you must have SL's graphics settings at Medium Detail or higher, or manually enable 'Nearby local lights' in Custom graphics settings. What really makes the old lights look terrible (and Nlight shine!) is turning on 'Atmospheric Shaders', which is enabled by default in High and Ultra Detail.


Vamps Face Light has three presets for light intensity, accessed by typing in chat commands:

LOW - A subtle light, barely noticeable, but one that will smooth out the worst shadows and make you a bit more visible at night - recommended if you can get away with it.

MEDIUM - The default setting, subtle but effective.

HIGH - Smoothes out shadows even at noon lighting, note that this setting might look unnatural at night. However, even this setting will not light up the floor around you.

** USING Vamps Face Light**

When you wear VAMPS FACE LIGHT for the first time, or attach it to a new attachment point on your avatar, it will readjust itself for optimal results. The supported attachment points are Mouth, Chin and Nose. If desired, the attachment positioning can be fine tuned with the SL Edit tool. The original positioning for the current attachment point is always available through the RESET command. Obviously, you have to be in a scripts-enabled area to access any of the commands, or for the automatic positioning relative to attachment point to work.

For adjustments and other scripted commands, type /7 <command> in chat (case insensitive). Available commands:

LOW - Low intensity preset
MEDIUM - Medium intensity preset (default)
HIGH - High intensity preset
OFF - Turn light off
ON - Turn light on (default)
RESET - Reload default values including default positioning
CHANNEL <n> - Change command channel to <n> (1-99, default 7)

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full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2017/02/15 : zyluna

I have very white skin and this is the best facelight I have found for soft illumination without losing the subtle details so easily lost on white skin. Thank you! Highly recommended!
