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Vector Interactor v1.0 - Masterfully-sculpted particle effects Version 1.0

Vector Interactor v1.0 - Masterfully-sculpted particle effects

The particle master gathered up his Vector Kisser and Vector Hammers, and returned to his workshop. He did not emerge until the Vector Interactor was born. This, to bring you a large array of particle glory as only Outy Banjo could!

The Vector Interactor contains 13 particle effects that engulf the user, and send streams of particle love to the target. A message is also stated when this occurs: "Your Name does something to Their Name!"

Here's how it works:

Vector Interactor v1.0
By Outy Banjo

To use, extract the Vector Interactor from the package box into your inventory. Right-click it and select "Wear." It will be attatched to your stomach by default, but should work anywhere that you want to attatch it.


*This system uses lazy name specification. This means it is capable of finding a target with as little as the first letter of their name. So, using 'kiss o' would execute the kiss interaction on Outy Banjo if he was the only person within 96 meters whose name started with 'O.' Naturally, with more people around, you'll want to be more specific.

*The Vector Interactor doesn't have any physical effects on the wearer or the target. Think of it as a very visual way to emote.

*Each client has a default particle viewing of 4,096 particle at one time, and a particle viewing range of approximately 22 meters(Based on emitter/client location relationship). Particles are also rendered client-side. Any combination of these properties can be responsible for not seeing the Vector Interactor in it's full glory. In simpler terms, crowded areas(With avatars, or particles) can often reduce what you see from a single particle effect. It also means, there's not a lot of purpose to targeting someone with the Vector Interactor who's very far away(You'll see it, but they won't).


By default, it listens to commands on channel 0. This means typing the command in open chat without any prefixes. You can change the channel if you wish(See below)

channel - Use this to change the channel. Ex: 'channel 88' This will change the channel to 88, and all commands can then be accessed by using '/88 command'

vector info - This is a backup command in case you forget the channel. Saying 'vector info' will tell you which channel it's listening to.

kiss name - Executes the kiss interaction on the named person.

hammer name - Executes the hammer interaction on the named person.

sweet dreams name - Executes the sweet dreams interaction on the named person.

good luck name - Executes the good luck interaction on the named person.

party name - Executes the party interaction on the named person.

hello name - Executes the hello interaction on the named person.

bye name - Executes the bye interaction on the named person.

love name - Executes the love interaction on the named person.

sexy name - Executes the sexy interaction on the named person.

go to hell name - Executes the go to hell interaction on the named person.

sorry name - Executes the sorry interaction on the named person.

thanks name - Executes the thanks interaction on the named person.

congrats name - Executes the congrats interaction on the named person.


Contact Outy Banjo for any problems or questions regarding your Vector Interactor.

These instructions are included in the package.

2006, Outy's Particle Paradise - Better Living Through Particles

This item is also available in-world for purchase at:
Outy's Particle Paradise - Epione (131, 181, 80)
Outy Banjo Demo Area, SandyBeach West (29, 89, 22)

See item in Second Life
  • Interactive particle effects that consume the sender and the target
  • 13 Interactions
  • Configurable Channel
  • Partial Name Target Finder
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 18, 2009 by Miro Collas

The best of its kind - and copied by many I see, as a search on "vector interactor" shows. :-|

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full star full star full star full star empty star Posted August 23, 2008 by Yakumo Fujin

Beautiful particle work. The particles themselves are well worth 5 stars...
but one gets subtracted by the chat in the format "Vector Interactor v1.0: [Owner][Does something to][Target]" whenever you do something. (No, not literally stated that way. It does use popper sentences, but always by the unmodifiable name "Vector Interactor v1.0". I think it would be better either completely without chat, or if it would rename itself after it's owner and say "/me [does something to] [target]")

Except for the chat, which you sadly can't turn off, it is great.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 28, 2008 by Louisia Acropolis

Its big, its pompous, and on sims with alot of people, it'll lag you, but its beautiful, divine and has quite some variations.
The reckless use of particles make Outy's signature. =)
Its a great thing, just be sure that you're not on the verge of a crash on doing it.
I didn't happen to me, but I wouldn't want to see victims.

Indeed Masterfully-sculpted.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 23, 2008 by Valeria Paster

Hi Outy!!

remember me??

great poofer :)


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full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 14, 2008 by Heather29 Price

This is awesome!!! It has so many commands. It's worth the lindens *smiles* !!!

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full star full star full star full star empty star Posted February 22, 2007 by JohnVH Kline

Some cool particles, easy to use, wish it didnt always show the names and effects in public, or had a way to turn that off, or could rename.

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