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[VelTec] Script Tracker HUD Version v1.03

[VelTec] Script Tracker HUD

[VelTec Industries]
Script Tracker HUD Instructions

This HUD monitors total scripts, script memory, script time, render weight, velocity, and sit status
of a single resident in the same sim. It can also scan the script time and script count of all avatars on sim,
as well as scan and display the attachments of the resident being monitored.
This HUD also always displays the sim's time dilation and FPS.


"/1t:###" sets which resident to monitor. ### being the UUID Key of the resident you wish to monitor.
"/1att" scans currently monitored resident and lists all of their attachments.
"/1scan" scans the sim and displays every resident's name, UUID, script time, and script count.

Click the HUD to toggle full or minimal information.

Thank you for choosing VelTec Industries.

  • Always displays sim's time dilation and FPS
  • Script monitoring of avatars.
  • Simwide scan of avatar script time and count.
  • Scan attachments of monitored avatar.

L$ 25

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VelTec Industries
VelTec Industries
Sold by: Kirov Vasiliev

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