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Violin with 3 songs XVI

Violin with 3 songs XVI
Violin with 3 songs XVI
1 Review

High detail mesh violin that plays 3 songs when you wear them. For song list please look at the picture.

Poza tym gdy trzymam je w dłoniach czuje się jakbym miał na rękach jedna z pięknych pań, które odwiedzają tą aukcję ( bardzo kobiece kształty ).

Za pobraniem wysyłam jedynie osobom z co najmniej 5 pozytywami. Nie odpowiadam na smsy.

  • full mesh
  • 3 full music violin songs
  • play animation
  • high detail
Average rating: full star full star empty star empty star empty star
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ouch my ears :(
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted February 03, 2022 by Pandi Candycane

I don't know what Iron Maiden song that's supposed to be, but its awful. So many scratchy, sour notes! Truly horrible! Spare your ears...
The Bruno Mars song "just the way you are" is the one I really wanted, but its not just one simple violin, its like a whole string orchestra. It's not bad, but the plucking? yeesh
However, the 3rd song is a single violin and not bad at all. (there are some mistakes but obviously this wasn't made by a professional) That one I like. So all in all, it was worth the price, I suppose.
I will not be buying any more music in this store.

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L$ 150

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Media Company Brzeg
Sold by: Franz Strzelecki

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