100% Original Art
Easy to use appliers
4 Styles & 4 Filled versions + white tintable versions of each~!
[ appliers ]
This product comes with appliers. They must be worn and touched to pull up the menu to apply the texture/s. The textures cannot be applied to anything besides the compatible listed compatible content.
[ compatibility ]
These specific texture appliers will only work with the M3 Venus Anime Head.
Here is the link~! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/UTILIZATOR-M3-Venus-Anime-Head/7107474
note: These textures will not work on the M3 anime head or M3 Kemono head due to the venus head being built differently.
Venus+Kemono Skin
La Douleur Exquise from Nekomomo ( in-world gacha )
Hair from MAGIKA
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Need a re-delivery? This product can be re-delivered by accessing any caspervend re-delivery terminal or the caspertech kiosk at my sim Hive!
// Update Log //
04/03/18 - Official release date.