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{Vixen} - Kemono T-Shirt

{Vixen} - Kemono T-Shirt

*This product will only work with the Utilizator Kemono Avatar.*

Easy to use HUD
4 Texture Styles
Materials enabled
AO & UV Included

Sizes Included**
Default Kemono Female Chest with Default Hips
Default Kemono Female Chest with Thunder Thighs
Default Kemono Male Chest with Default Hips
Default Kemono Male Chest with Thunder Thighs
{Vixen} Petite Chest with Default Hips
{Vixen} Petite Chest with with Thunder Thighs
Rei's Chest with Default Hips
Rei's Chest with with Thunder Thighs
Busty Chest with Default Hips
Busty Chest with with Thunder Thighs

^ All sizes include bulge variant

**Busty chest is a size up from Rei's chest. Users MUST use the alpha hide to use this product otherwise it will clip since it's a snug fit. It made no sense to make every chest size out there if users have to hide their avatar anyways.

Compatible with {Vixen} Sleeves
Compatible with {Vixen} Gym Shorts (all sizes)
Compatible with {Vixen} Briefs

// Update Log //
1/30/2022 - Updated advert to reflect pricing. Removed old download links. Added AO & UV image folder. Condensed variations into one product listing.