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{Vixen} - Mod Parts - { Ears 05 Athena }

{Vixen} - Mod Parts - { Ears 05 Athena }

100% Original 3D Models & Textures created by Phoebe Desmons.

Variety is the spice of life! I was suggested to make a bunch of mod parts that creators, customers and well anyone can use.

All updates for these ears will be free for those who purchase the initial version I release on the marketplace.

If they do well I may update them with adding bento support and more ear fluff options etc.

3D model information

❥ Works with all avatars
❥ Unrigged and each ear is a seperate object so they can be individually positioned, resized or rotated
❥ Material faces allow for easy tinting, glow or full bright options to be used via the editing/building menu

Textures that are included FULL PERM

❥ AO + UV maps for texture creation
❥ 3 Basic textures ( black white pink )

All textures included can be used in the creation of textures with the intent on personal, sharing, or commercial use!

Notecards included

1. About Mod Parts
2. How to mod your ears!
3. How to make textures or use included textures!

Style Information

❥ All textures seen on the ears are included
❥ The head used to model these ears is called the Paws Feline head
❥ The texture for the Paws Feline Head is a sample texture I made to match the ears from a shader kit I made

Re-delivery Options

❥ In-world: Access any CasperVend Re-delivery Terminal to access your purchase history.
❥ Marketplace: My marketplace > My Account > Order History > Re-deliver Item

Update Log:
11/18/19 - Initial product release on marketplace.

Product issue or need help? Check my profile's customer support info and fill out a support ticket form. _________________________________________________________________________________

  • 100% Original 3D Models & Textures
  • For any avatar, unrigged 3D models