100% Original 3D Models & Textures created by Phoebe Desmons.
You can stick these silly machines in places for added decor in fun shop or cafe builds.
Take it up a knotch by putting out the scripted version that spits out a capsule ball dramatically when clicked!
If only these were like the ones in real life that gave prizes!
2x Toy Machines / Unscripted for Decor
2x Toy Machines / Scripted ( click for capsule to pop out! )
1x Capsule Ball / Decor
Instructions & Info
3D model information
❥ Resize friendly and easy to use ( 1 prim at out of box size see notecards for more info )
❥ Low-poly for smoother loading & low land impact
❥ Advanced Materials Enabled + lighting
Do not resize the scripted machine, use the decor version if you want to resize it.
The script does not make the capsule change location or scale with the object size.
Re-delivery Options
❥ In-world: Access any CasperVend Re-delivery Terminal to access your purchase history.
❥ Marketplace: My marketplace > My Account > Order History > Re-deliver Item
Update Log:
9/12/23 - Initial product release on marketplace.