W&Co. Magic Crystal Tree Rainbow Box

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Magic Crystal Tree Rainbow, 4 LI, as delivered. Complementary to the Magic Path Set, see related items.

Standing tall in the heart of an enchanted forest, the Magic crystal tree commands attention with its majestic presence. Its trunk, gnarled and ancient, reaches skyward, crowned by a mesmerizing egg-shaped crystal—the Arcane Ovum—nestled within its boughs. Bathed in a gentle, pulsating light, the crystal radiates an aura of magic that envelops the surroundings. This ancient tree is a beacon of ancient wisdom and mystical power, its roots tapping into the very essence of the enchanted realm. Legends speak of its ability to foresee threats and unleash protective magic, while beneath its towering form, a sacred grove beckons those with pure intentions, offering glimpses into the secrets of the magical world and the blessings of ancient energies.

In the in-word shop prices are lower. Group members benefit from discount as well.

Everything in the pack has copy and modify permissions so you can resize or reposition it to better fit your needs and you can re-texture or recolour it to your heart's content. Take into account that resizing can increase the Land Impact.

This pack is redeliverable through the Marketplace.

Please, let me know if you encounter any issues, before writing a bad review and I'll be glad to help you.


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Witch & Co.
Witch & Co.
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Vendido por: RebellahAntoinette
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  • Autorizações:
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  • Impacto no terreno: 4
  • Mesh: 100% Mesh