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WILDHEART. Tigerlily Skin Template Kit [PSD]

WILDHEART. Tigerlily Skin Template Kit [PSD]
WILDHEART. Tigerlily Skin Template Kit [PSD]
4 Reviews

Tigerlily by WILDHEART is a full permissions skin template set!

Included is:

- Tigerlily's shape.
- Stylecard.

A 1024x1024 PSD file with:

- 5 skin shades.
- 5 skintone enhancers.
- Contour option.
- Cleavage option.
- 4 blushes (plus a Create Your Own pre-set layer for instantly creating your own colours).
- 6 eyeliners.
- 4 different eyeshadow styles, with 7 colours in each, plus indiviual eyeliners. (Also, a Create Your Own pre-set layer for each!)
- 14 lipstick options in light and dark, plus special black lipstick. (And a Create Your Own pre-set layer for instantly creating your own colours).
- 11 lipgloss options (plus a Create Your Own pre-set layer).
- 6 natural eyebrow colours, plus 5 crazy colours. (And a Create Your Own pre-set layer for both!)
- 4 freckles options and 4 beauty marks options.

Terms of Use:

- No reselling/giving away as textures
- No reselling/giving away parts as textures
- No reselling with full permissions
- No giving away with full permissions
- For use in Second Life creations only

[Photographed on ultra graphics with Nam's Optimal Skin windlight settings].

Find me on Flickr:

  • 5 skin shades.
  • 5 skintone enhancers.
  • Tigerlily's shape.
  • Eyebrow options.
  • Pre-set layers for creating your own options.
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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love her
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 13, 2019 by marykee Afterthought

i just love your psd The tip you give have helped me a lot. she has a realistic look all your psd do and all you get is worth the price.

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Bon travail.
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted January 18, 2015 by SmartorNot

Belles textures avec un fichier PSD clair et bien présenté.
Juste une étoile en moins car j'aurais aimé pouvoir régler les lumières sur le corps avec un calque individuel pour les lumières donc.

Mais je suis très satisfaite du travail de ce créateur, bravo.

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L$ 4,999

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Sold by: Dodger Elan

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  • User Licensed
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