If you know our Line of Breedable animals you will be very familiar with the animations. If you are not, you are in for a real treat. The animals have such personality you and your potential tippers will be delighted at their personalities.
We've revamped our unique Wild Kajaera Tip Jars. With our previous version, you just placed your tip jar down and a our amazing WK Breedable tip jar would collect your Lindens and distribute them to you. Our new tip jars do that and so much more.
Our WK Tiger Tip Jar 2.0 is ANIMATED! Not only will it help guard your hard earned Lindens, but its menu allows you to customize options. You can select the size of your tip jar. You can edit the hovertext above your tip jar. You can even edit the starting pay-in amount quick buttons. Finally, it has a reset option, that allows you to reset the amounts paid in during your event, to help keep track your earnings per event.
When a patron tips you, our WK Animated Tip Jar 2.0 will stand up (if lying down), stretch, and raise a paw forward, as a salute to the patron who tipped you. It will then say, "Thanks for the tip! I really appreciate it." in tippers chat to help show your appreciation in return.
See item in Second Life- Customizable Hover Text
- Customizable Amounts
- Optional Group Joiner
- Different Scale Sizes