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WW Ladies Gaucho Pants V Fat Pack DEMO - 4 MP

WW Ladies Gaucho Pants V Fat Pack  DEMO - 4 MP

Part of the Lil series a set i did for a friend of mine that wanted boho native hippy clothing.

You can get the Ocacin Body from this link: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/OCACIN-STANDARD-FEMALE-BODY-Fitmesh-Mesh-Bento/11768280

This product fits the following bodies
- Fitmesh Models for Ocacin Standard Body, Slink Physics, Slink Hourglass, Belleza (Venus, Isis, Freya), Maitreya Lara, E Body, Tonic (Curvy, Fine), TMP (You may be required to use alpha HUDs and you may need to change your shape slightly for fitting right for some sizes)
- Fitmesh 5 Size (XS, S, M, L, XL)

texture and color huds contains unlimited colors and 72 textures each hud.

By Wytchwhisper
Multifaceted Artist, Singer/Songwriter, Actress, Dancer, Machinimatographer, Figurative 2D Artist, 3D Clothing/ Object Designer, Advisor, Spiritually Enlightened Wiccan and Comedic Deviant

My schedule FYI - on My Website
Song List - on My Website
Pr Info, Pricing, Photos -on My Website
My Website ~ http://allaboutwytchwhisper.blogspot.ca

Original songs and Memorable Shows - http://allaboutwytchwhisper.blogspot.com/p/w.html

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