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WW Ood Full Avatar

WW Ood Full Avatar
WW Ood Full Avatar
1 Review

very proudly present
Ood Full Avatar

1.PRODUCT INFO___________________________________________

The Ood, also known as Oodkind, were a gestalt species of telepathic humanoids native to the Ood Sphere. Humanity enslaved the Ood, mutilating them to ensure a dedication to servitude.
The Ood had two brains: a forebrain in the head and a secondary hindbrain. The hindbrain was usually held in their hands, and was connected by an umbilical cord-like connection to their faces. The forebrain did much of the thinking and stored the telepathic sensors. The hindbrain processed memory and emotions, leading to mental instabilities when removed. The Ood could survive with it being removed and replaced with the more commonly seen translation sphere that connected to an Ood's nervous system.
Under normal circumstances the Ood were gentle and harmless creatures. However, due to their brain structure they were susceptible to corruption
The Ood were originally a hive mind led by the Ood Brain, using their hindbrain to "sing" with each other. The colour of an Ood's eyes changed with the level of telepathic activity, normally glowing bright-red but turning to white when not connected to a hive mind. Humans, who only knew the Ood in their telepathy-disabled form, misinterpreted the presence of red eyes as a disease, known as "red-eye"

2. CONTENTS______________________________________________

WW Ood Alpha Layer
WW Ood gloves left
WW Ood gloves right
WW Ood Head V 3
WW Ood Hud
WW Ood Shape
WW Ood Shoes Left
WW Ood Shoes Right
WW Ood Sigma Suit
WW Ood Skin
WW Ood Suit
WW Ood Translator Ball(chest)
WW Ood Translator Ball (Hand)

3. INSTRUCTIONS_______________________________________

Simply unpack and wear the Items they should automatically fix to the correct place.
You must wear all items apart from the suit, you can choose which suit to wear, for this avatar to work properly.

Click the hud which should appear on your screen on the top left and a dialog box will appear, turn it on and then you will be given choices of what you can do with your Ood.

Choose from a variety of sounds and appearance and Ood song to play inworld.

We have included the chest Translator ball to use when you are walking about etc simply turn the hud off for this to appear again

4. LINKS_______________________________________________

Any problems or issues with the item
please contact
Maximum Sabretooth inworld.

As always you will get free AUTO UPGRADES as and when available..
And finally we do not mean to infringe on the BBC or any of their characters or images ,we also do not want to make any personal money by doing that.....its just we love all the things we make and want to make many more quality goods therefore we need reinvestments from our sales to finance this continuing wok....all sales money gets reinvested into WHOS WHO and partner companies..

Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Very effective and realistic and looks better IN SL than the picture!!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 17, 2018 by Stray Moorsider

I am a shapeshifter and big fan of Dr Who. When I saw this Ood, I was delighted. It is very good. There are many crappy avi's for DW, but this is *easily* the BEST!. I only hope Max makes more DW characters. There is a lot to go at! The HUD is nice. Only 1 tiny point. An AO for the avi would have been icing on the cake. (Plus worth bumping it up to L$500, imo) and I would still get them all. More. MORE! M O R E ! ! =)

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L$ 450

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who's who clothing
who's who clothing
Sold by: Maximum Sabretooth

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

This item contains wearable items for your avatar.

Works with Classic and Mesh Avatars
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  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: Partial Mesh, Fitted Mesh