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Waiting List Low prim (5 prims) No copy (paid & free version in ONE) (horse version) Versão 1.6

Waiting List Low prim (5 prims) No copy (paid & free version in ONE) (horse version)

This waiting list allow to offer a stud service for your breedables or for others uses.

The avatar must click on enter to be in the list and wait for his turn for the free mode or must pay a mount to be in the list.

For money version see in the related products

The options (settings notecard):

#maximum of avatars allowed in the list (can be more than 10 - until 50 or 100 if you want) but only the 10 first will be displayed.
maximum avatars=10

#price to be in the list (0 for free (no money) version)

#1=one avatar can enter in the list only once by session 0=The avatar can be several times in the list
enter only once=1

#Texture name (textures available: red, yellow, violet, blue, green) or PUT THE TEXTURE KEY of your custom texture (right click on the texture in your inventory
# --> copy uuid and paste here.

#number of avatar for the share (no share=0 (desactivated)/share with 1st avatar=1/with 2 avatars=2)

#0=give infos notecard 1=Link to a webpage when a avatar click on the logo stud infos on the board
stud infos=1

#name of the notecard if stud infos=0
stud infos notecard=Infos

#name of the webpage if stud infos=1 (For example put your myslhorse webpage)
stud infos webpage=http://myslhorses.com/Pedigree.aspx?UUID=223d1708-2a05-912f-0c1b-a4efd9dad5dd

#key of the 1st avatar for the share
key avatar1=1c295a02-f3eb-4a9d-b616-a7f1792cef20
#percentage for the avatar1
percentage avatar1=50

#key of the 2nd avatar for the share (share must be =2)
key avatar2=1c295a02-f3eb-4a9d-b616-a7f1792cef20
#percentage for the avatar2
percentage avatar2=50

#the manager can delete the name in the list (dont put your name (owner))
#add everytime manager=name when you need to add a mana#ger
manager=Olivier Mathild
manager=Diamanta Damour

#Ban list
#add everytime ban=name when you need to ban a avatar
ban=Nicolas Sarkozy
ban=Angel Merkel

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