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Wasenshi - Japanese Kyudojo, Kyudo archery range

Wasenshi - Japanese Kyudojo, Kyudo archery range

Complete set of buildings, targets and decorations needed to set up and host a Japanese Kyudo archery tournament.
Contains everything you need to set up and shoot out of the box.
Includes a bow stand that when clicked will give a free Yumi bow and arrows to visitors! The bow will shoot using custom realistic Kyudo animations.

A kyudojo is an open-front building (shajo), with room for five or more archers. It faces an equally sized enclosure (matoba) that holds the azuchi, or target bank. Both structures are separated by the yamichi, an expanse of lawn or raked sand.

• Scripted targets - announce your score
• Detailed and accurate buildings
• The set also contains all the separate elements so you can assemble the Kyudojo according to your available space or specific needs.
• Kyudo Decor, pictures and standing screens to place in the buildings.
• Realistic Kyudo animations
• Spectator benches

The complete set is 85 prims. Covering an area of 10 X 35 meters. You can of course customise the amount of prims and the size of your range according to the space and allowed number of prims on your land.