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Water Grass and Stones 3 Prims by Rita Munro full permission

Water Grass and Stones 3 Prims by Rita Munro full permission

Here comes a landscape of a river stream in the mountains. You can rezz your river as it is. I encourage you to do more with your rocks, grass,water: Copy the landscape, resize the grass, stretch the water. Give a different shape to your water. Then you drag your landscaping into each other another time.

This way you will generate limitless forms of rock, river, grass, water, mountains, ...

You can even drag a different sculpty into one ore more prims and just keep the texture.

You pay only 10 Lindens more than for the floating water only! The floating water is a best-seller. You will like it.

Have fun with your new landscaping area!
Rita Munro

  • 3 base prims to landscape an area
  • 1 for rock one for grass and one for the water
  • full permission - use it in your own builds
  • the water texture is animated
  • prefab - drag these prims into each other!