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WeArH0uSE [left behind] FATPACK

WeArH0uSE [left behind] FATPACK

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★INFO WeArH0uSE [left behind] Fatpack/-30%
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01. RuinedBuilding........35Li (linkset)
02. SideTrash..................5Li
03. Pallets.......................1Li
04. Dirt&Junk..................4Li (w/wo alpha)
05. Dirt............................1Li (w/wo alpha)
06. Gate..........................3Li (Kool Door script/linkset)
07. Pipe/Valve.................1Li
08. Pipes.........................1Li
09. PipeT.........................1Li
10. Junk..........................1Li
11. Street.........................1Li (xyz resize script)
12. StreetCorner..............3Li (xyz resize script)
13. Tires..........................1Li
14. Tire............................1Li
15. Fence........................1Li/piece (3 pieces)
16. ConcreteChunks.......1Li/piece (4 pieces)

-There is no in-world display atm, I`m sorry for the inconvenience.
-MP Photos are taken in world with medium-high graphic settings using one of default firestorm windlights with included projectors and are untouched in any graphic software
-To see the materials properly, please enable "Advanced lighting" in your preferences, the effect varies depending on your windlight settings and/or use of projector lights

Once you get the package, please ADD it and click the on screen sign to unpack all contents.

In case of failed delivery, double purchase or if something is missing, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will resolve it as soon as possible. Refunds are given in case of double purchase only!
All meshes and textures created by MaxMare Resident!
